Morgan Odom-Harris
Donald Trump has officially won the 2024 presidential election, and as he gears up for his second term, he is making proposals for the future of America. Here are a few the top proposals that could have direct impact to education and students.
Changes in Schools
In education, President-elect Trump has said he wants to “save American education.” He plans to give parents more control through a “Parental Bill of Rights,” encourage homeschooling, and expand school choice and charter schools. He has also expressed a desire to abolish the U.S Department of Education or at least limit their agency and shift more control over schools to state and local government.
He has supported the idea of merit pay versus teacher tenure. He also is interested in removing programs focused on diversity, equity, and inclusion. He has proposed the idea of “more affordable options” than traditional four-year college, including an online “American Academy.”
Tighter Immigration Rules
Trump is pushing for stricter border controls. He plans to finish building the border wall, limit asylum applications, and deport more undocumented immigrants.
Deferred Action Childhood Arrivals aims to protect immigrants who came to the U.S. as children from deportation, providing them with protection and a work permit. President Trump initially claimed he would end DACA but just this week he said “he wants to work something out” for Dreamers on Meet the Press.
Challenging “Birthright” citizenship has already become a large point of debate in his potential policy plans.
Whether in agreement with President-elect Trump or not, his second term will create change and debates about priorities and proposals as does every presidency. From the
economy, to job opportunities, to educational and environmental practices, these plans will impact everyone. It is a chance to watch how the decisions play out. Will his policies
boost the economy? Will his education ideas work for improving schools? Only time will tell. Checkout the election pacakage at mhspitchfork.com for coverage of local elec-
tions and opinion content.