Veterans Day, a day that honors the countless men and women who have fought for our country, was celebrated on Nov. 11. Marietta High School, which employs several veterans, celebrated it with an assembly led by Lieutenant Colonel James T. Wilson and Marietta’s AFJROTC. During the assembly, a sacred tradition was honored; presenting a folded flag to a veteran who has graduated from Marietta High School. David Tigs, who served in both the Navy and the Army Air Force, was presented with this flag. Junior RTC Unit Georgia 20021 of Marietta High School presented the flag to Mr. Tigs.

Mr. Tigs enlisted and attended basic training at Naval Training Center Orlando, shortly after graduating. From there, his career continued on as he learned his specific skill for the navy, and was assigned to an aircraft. After that, he finished off his career in the Navy as a weapons instructor, and achieved the rank of Chief Petty Officer. He then continued his military career in the United States Army where he was assigned to Charlie Company 151st Aviation Lakota helicopter unit. During his time spent in service he earned two good conduct awards, three Navy achievement medals, and three army commodation medals. He retired from the army in December 2013 after reaching the rank of Sergeant First Class.
In addition to honoring Mr. Tigs, several other celebrations occurred such as honoring all veterans who were Marietta staff members and the Marietta High School Chamber Choir singing “Thank you Soldiers” and many other armed services songs.